Bespoke Private Tuition


Did you know that:

* when you first meet a French man or woman, speaking even a few words in French will give you a better chance of gaining their business?

* an understanding of French culture will give you the edge on the competition?

* you should never ask a French person what he or she does for a living?

When it comes to doing business with French people, you are dealing with a proud nation which takes its language and culture enormously seriously.

There are a plethora of taboos and rules about doing business with the French and being in the know will help to smooth the way to that lucrative contract.

Monica Janssens was brought up in Paris and London and is a bilingual French speaker. As a former lawyer and banker, she has done business with the French on many occasions and knows the pitfalls that can put the French off, such as a disrespect for rules and regulations, or a hard sell approach to commerce.

Monica is experienced at coaching business personnel in the DOs and DONTs of dealing with the French. She can tailor-make seminars to cater for specific, bespoke situations and can even provide interpreter or mentor back-up, should this be required.