Bespoke Private Tuition

Hooray: Tuition Double Whammy for ESCP and ENS

Posted in Tuition News on 4th September 2014

Hooray: Tuition Double Whammy for ESCP and ENS Hooray: Tuition Double Whammy for ESCP and ENS

Hooray! Franklin College prépa student Charlotte, who studied the English contingent of her ‘concours aux grandes écoles Françaises’ with Kent/Sussex-based tuition specialist Monica Janssens, gained a 17 in English and secured highly-coveted places at ESCP and ENS Cachan. She writes, “Monica understood the English lessons I needed, and adapted her methods. She taught me how to discuss in an elegant way the economy, geopolitical issues and politics. I’d recommend Monica without reservation for any Classes Préparatoires at Franklin, HEC etc.”

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